Screen Meet Resources

Enhancing Human Agents with AI for Remote Support

Written by Heather Robinson | Jul 23, 2024 9:42:17 PM

ScreenMeet AI: Enhancing Human Agents with Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) has played an increasingly significant role in remote support and customer service. As businesses strive to provide efficient and personalized support experiences, AI-powered tools have become essential in augmenting human agents' capabilities. However, the rise of "fake AI" and the resulting AI fatigue among users has led to skepticism about the genuine value of AI in customer support. 

In this blog post, we'll explore how ScreenMeet's AI-powered features enhance human agents' capabilities while providing genuine value to users.

The Rise of AI in Remote Support

The potential benefits of AI in remote support and customer service are numerous. AI-powered chatbots can handle simple queries and triage issues, allowing human agents to focus on more complex cases. Sentiment analysis can help agents gauge customer emotions and adapt their approach accordingly. However, the challenges of "fake AI" and AI fatigue cannot be ignored. Users are becoming increasingly frustrated with AI solutions that fail to deliver on their promises or provide a genuinely helpful experience.

In recent years, the term "fake AI" has gained traction, referring to AI solutions that are marketed as intelligent and sophisticated but fail to live up to their claims. These solutions often rely on simple rule-based systems or human intervention behind the scenes, leading to disappointing user experiences and eroding trust in AI technology as a whole.

Moreover, the proliferation of AI-powered tools has led to a phenomenon known as "AI fatigue." Users are becoming overwhelmed by the sheer number of AI solutions they encounter, often leading to disengagement and reluctance to adopt new AI-driven technologies. This fatigue is further compounded by the fact that many AI solutions lack the contextual understanding and empathy that human agents possess, resulting in frustrating and impersonal interactions.

To overcome these challenges, it is crucial for remote support solutions to implement AI in a way that genuinely enhances the user experience and complements the skills of human agents. By focusing on AI solutions that deliver tangible value and prioritize human-AI collaboration, businesses can harness the power of AI while avoiding the pitfalls of fake AI and AI fatigue.


ScreenMeet's Approach to AI

At ScreenMeet, we recognize the transformative potential of AI in remote support, but we also understand the importance of implementing AI in a way that truly benefits both agents and customers. Our approach to AI is centered around the belief that AI should enhance human agents' capabilities rather than replace them entirely.

We have developed our AI-powered features with the goal of providing agents with the tools and insights they need to deliver exceptional support experiences. 

However, we also recognize that AI alone is not sufficient to deliver the level of support that customers expect. That's why we emphasize the importance of human-AI collaboration in our approach. Our AI-powered tools are designed to work seamlessly alongside human agents, augmenting their skills and knowledge while still allowing for the empathy, creativity, and problem-solving abilities that only humans can provide.

ScreenMeet is committed to providing genuine AI value to our customers. We continuously refine and improve our AI models based on real-world feedback and data, ensuring that our solutions deliver tangible benefits and address the evolving needs of remote support teams. By striking the right balance between AI automation and human expertise, ScreenMeet empowers businesses to deliver faster, more efficient, and more personalized support experiences.


AI Summarization: Tackling Incident Resolution Data Challenges: A New Approach 

Are you facing challenges with insufficient data on incident resolution in your business?

Often, technicians and support agents only note “Done” to show that they have fixed the user's problem, without providing detailed explanations of how they achieved this. This issue is systemic, as many support engineers are evaluated based on the number and speed of incident resolutions. Writing comprehensive resolution notes doesn’t contribute to their key performance indicators (KPIs).

The absence of detailed resolution data leads to several problems:

  • Lost Knowledge: The exact method of fixing issues remains undocumented.
  • Limited Data for Training: Without detailed resolution data, training large language models (LLMs) to deflect similar future incidents becomes difficult.
  • Lack of Audit Trail: If a deeper investigation is needed, there is no comprehensive record to refer to.

AI Summarization addresses these issues effectively.

Key Features of ScreenMeet's AI Summarization:
  1. AI-Powered Documentation: Generate thorough resolution and work notes from remote support sessions effortlessly with advanced AI technology.
  2. Enhanced Efficiency: Assist your agents in creating clear documentation, saving time, and reducing operational costs.
  3. Knowledge Base Expansion: Enrich your knowledge base with AI-generated summaries, fostering self-service and improving chatbot capabilities.
  4. Visual Summarization (Coming Soon): ScreenMeet is developing a visual summarization feature, which will include screenshots to enhance the written summaries. This feature is expected to launch later this year, adding a visual component to the documentation process.


How does AI Summarization work?

We collect detailed log data during the session, and then process that data via an LLM (Large Language Model). This advanced AI technology analyzes the session data, identifies key information, and generates a comprehensive summary that captures the essential details of the incident resolution. The resulting summary reads like it was written by a human, providing a concise and easily understandable account of the issue and its resolution.

Moreover, our AI Summarization tool offers the flexibility to generate summaries with varying levels of detail. If an agent requires a more in-depth summary or wishes to include additional information, they can easily prompt the AI to rewrite the summary accordingly. This ensures that the documentation always meets the specific needs of your organization and provides the right level of detail for future reference and analysis.

By leveraging ScreenMeet's AI Summarization feature, your organization can unlock valuable insights, streamline support processes, and drive continuous improvement, all while reducing the burden of manual documentation on your support team.


AI Assist: Boost Productivity and ROI with Real-Time Troubleshooting and Guidance

ScreenMeet AI Assist harnesses the power of generative AI to provide agents with real-time troubleshooting and guidance, enabling them to resolve issues faster and more efficiently. This advanced tool helps deflect ticket escalation and speeds up resolution times, significantly boosting productivity. As a result, businesses can reduce operational expenses (OpEx) and achieve a higher return on investment (ROI).


How does AI Assist work?

ScreenMeet AI Assist is a powerful tool designed to enhance agent productivity and accelerate issue resolution in remote support environments. By harnessing generative AI, this feature provides agents with real-time troubleshooting guidance tailored to the specific operating system in question. Agents can quickly find answers to their queries by simply typing their questions, with the AI using advanced prompt engineering to ensure relevant and context-specific responses.

This innovative approach not only speeds up the problem-solving process but also helps deflect ticket escalations, leading to significant improvements in overall productivity. By enabling agents to resolve issues faster and more efficiently, ScreenMeet AI Assist contributes to reduced operational expenses and increased ROI for businesses. Importantly, the system prioritizes data security, ensuring that all information processed is never retained by ScreenMeet or used for training purposes, and maintaining the confidentiality and integrity of support interactions.


The Benefits of ScreenMeet AI for Businesses

Implementing ScreenMeet AI in your remote support operations can bring numerous benefits to your business.

Improved customer satisfaction and loyalty

By leveraging AI-powered tools to provide faster, more accurate, and more personalized support, you can significantly enhance the customer experience, leading to increased satisfaction and loyalty.

Increased agent productivity and efficiency

ScreenMeet's AI solutions automate repetitive tasks, provide agents with intelligent recommendations, and streamline workflows, allowing your support team to handle more cases in less time without sacrificing quality.

Reduced support costs

By enabling agents to resolve issues more quickly and accurately, ScreenMeet AI helps reduce average handle times, minimize escalations, and optimize resource allocation, ultimately leading to lower support costs.

Valuable insights for process optimization

ScreenMeet's AI-powered capabilities can be used to provide deep insights into customer needs, pain points, and behavioral patterns, enabling your business to make data-driven decisions and continuously improve your processes, while also uncovering opportunities where additional training may be required.


Implementing ScreenMeet AI in Your Organization

To successfully implement ScreenMeet AI in your organization, it's essential to follow a structured approach:

  1. Assess your current remote support processes: Conduct a thorough analysis of your existing remote support workflows, identifying areas where AI can have the greatest impact and deliver the most value.
  2. Develop a strategic plan: Create a comprehensive plan for integrating ScreenMeet AI into your support operations, setting clear goals, timelines, and success metrics. Involve key stakeholders from various departments to ensure alignment and buy-in.
  3. Train your support team: Provide your agents with the necessary training and resources to effectively collaborate with ScreenMeet's AI-powered tools. Emphasize the importance of human-AI collaboration and help agents understand how AI can enhance their capabilities and improve the customer experience.
  4. Monitor and optimize your AI implementation: Continuously monitor the performance of your AI implementation, tracking key metrics such as customer satisfaction, resolution times, and agent productivity. Use these insights to identify areas for improvement and make data-driven optimizations to your AI strategy.

By following these steps and partnering with ScreenMeet, your organization can harness the power of AI to transform your remote support operations, drive business growth, and deliver exceptional customer experiences.


Unlocking the True Potential of AI in Remote Support

ScreenMeet AI offers businesses a powerful solution for enhancing remote support operations and delivering genuine value to customers. By recapping the key benefits of ScreenMeet AI and addressing the importance of choosing genuine AI solutions that enhance human capabilities, we encourage readers to explore how ScreenMeet AI can transform their remote support operations.

Sign up for a demo of ScreenMeet AI today and experience the true potential of AI in remote support.